Oceans Without Limits – a Journey of Discovery

Genres: Documentary
Duration: 55 minutes
Availability: Worldwide
Embark on a voyage of discovery into the Western Indian Ocean and find out how plastic pollution is impacting this tropical paradise. “Oceans Without Limits” is an epic and cinematic Oceanic Adventure with an element of Science.
A crew, made up of a Skipper, Pro Diver, Marine Biologist and Filmmaker, go way off the beaten track to document their findings. They travel from South Africa to Madagascar, Seychelles, Maldives and a distant Archipelago called Chagos. Their discoveries are both unexpected and shocking!
Thank you for supporting our mission to end plastic pollution. By purchasing or renting our film, you are enabling us to move towards our next project which is to go back and develop a method of cleaning up remote islands that are polluted by plastic!
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